Thursday, January 10, 2013

What I've Been Up to Lately

I have been knitting and using up all my scrap yarn! Well Okay, not all of it but now I will feel better about buying new yarn. It's a log cabin blanket! I got the free pattern for it here. Not only is the patten free but there are wonderful video tutorials for every step of the way. What's really cool about knitting this blanket is that I can remember all the projects I made with each yarn. The red is a sweater jacket, the blue on the right is a lace panel sweater and that little bit of pink is from a bag I made and felted for my daughter. I'll post more photos later.

Also I have been out walking with my dog and found these growing from one of our pines

Here they are with a quarter to show scale. They are pretty tiny as pinecones go and considering the size of the tree.
My question for you is what should I do with them? I was so excited when I found them. I grabbed them off the tree as fast as I could and stuffed them in my pocket. There are about 30 of them and there are about 10 more on the tree that I couldn't reach. But I would find a way if I had a reason to!


  1. Beautiful knitted blanket! Maybe you'll think of something to do with the pinecones later! They are kinda cute, so small.

    1. Thanks Cindy. I will post pics of pinecone usage soon

  2. Hi! Lovely to see your post today. Once I made a gnome house and tiled the roof with pine cone pieces. Nobs? Petals? I will have to look it up now!

    1. Gina, I would love to see your gnome house! did you take pics?

  3. beautiful blanket. Dennis just brought home lots of blankets his mom (94 years old this year) had knitted over the years. It's amazing to see the different patterns, something I never would have noticed if not for your influences :)

    1. Carol, you are so sweet. I bet those blankets are awesome! Cherish them, I know how long it takes to knit one.
