Wednesday, May 30, 2012

MSED: Bird a Day #154 Untitled

Here is a piece I did a while back. I really didn't know what to call it maybe "abstract bird" 
 I used a technique I found at Art Is Fun by Thaneeya McArdle. She teaches all kinds of techniques on her site and it's free! So much fun! go check it out.
Water color and water color pencil

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

MSED: Bird a Day #153 Lunch Time

The grackles have taken over my yard. 
I used to think they were lovely birds when they first appeared, I mean just look at those beautiful iridescent feathers, but now they have called all their aunts and uncles and cousins to come and take part of the buffet of seed that I have laid before them. It didn't take long for them to eat all the food at my feeders and run off the song birds. They have a loud irritating call especially at 5:30 in the morning when they love to wake up and "sing" outside my bedroom window. The babies are starting to arrive and this seems to make them extra voice-y. I wish they would find another place to be. I'm starting to feel like I live in the movie "The Birds".

Here is a puzzle piece I did inspired by the Common Grackle

Friday, May 4, 2012

My Noro Clapotis

or That Bright Shawl Thingy I Knit to Throw Over the Back of My Couch
There has been knitting, lots of knitting. Here is one of the projects  I finished (yeah!) instead of bird-art-making. (I also started a sweater)
Noro is the Yarn I used, it comes from Japan the pattern is French, or at least it has a French name, meaning, to the best of knowledge, lapping up of water or maybe just lapping.