Tuesday, September 13, 2011

MSED: Bird a Day #76 - Chalk Bird Welcomes You

Today I decided to use the book's prompt and use sidewalk chalk.
This is on the sidewalk right outside my front door, but never mind that it faces you as you walk out of my home. I used the camera on my phone because I sent my camera with my daughter to photograph her brother on the dirt bike track. I don't think the photo turned out too bad. The drawing on the other hand... Well, I've seen better (check this guy out http://www.impactlab.net/2006/03/09/amazing-3d-sidewalk-art-photos/)

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh, I like your chalk bird! It would be so cheery to see it on a walk. I've seen that chalk-guy's stuff before. It's pretty amazing. But I think sometimes simple and straight forward is just as delightful as something extravagant and elaborate.
