Thursday, June 30, 2011

Just a water color or two

After all the weirdness of the past few MSED bird posts I decided to do something that I wanted to do. This first one is an attempt at capturing the beautiful peonies that I inherited from my sister. (I really want to take a class on technique.)

 This one is a "Tangle Pattern" doodle. The foreground pattern is called Oke and the background is called Hybrid. If you would like to learn how to draw these patterns and many more check this link out.
I use and alter a lot of the patterns on this site when I draw.


  1. your paintings are just lovely. I wish i could paint like that........x

  2. I LOVE them!!! Mary, I can't tell you how nice it is to see your art again. I'm so glad you're doing this. Keep going! YOU ROCK!

  3. Thanks Guys! It's very inspiring to get all these great comments. And Minnie you rock too! (it must run in the family)
